Children's Activities

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Long Business Description

Every Monday at 18:30 during term time

Contact Janet Bowden for more information

Business Address
Rectory Farm,
Water Stratford Hill,
MK18 4PD
Business Phone Number
01280 817052
Business Tags
Cubs& Scouts
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Every Tuesday during term time at 18:15 and  19:15

Cubs are aged 8 - 10-and-ahalf

Scouts are aged 10-and-a-half to 14

You'll learn to

Master new skills and try new things
Make new friends
Have fun and go on adventures, at home and abroad
Explore the world around them
Help others and make a difference, in their own communities and beyond

Contact Neil Blunstone for more information on 07966 346210

Business Address
Tingewick Village Hall
Main Street
MK19 4NN
Business Phone Number
07966 346210
Business Website Address
Business Tags
Jumpers For Posts
Business Name
Long Business Description

Fun football drills, games and matches for all children aged 5-7. Saturday mornings 9am held on grass in a safe, friendly environment. At Tingewick Recreational Field.
Only £3 per week.

Business Address
Tingewick Recreation Ground
MK18 4PA
Business Phone Number
07912 180753
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Every Friday at 18:30 during term time

Contact Janet Bowden for more information

Business Address
Rectory Farm
Water Stratford Hill

MK18 4PD
Business Phone Number
01280 817052
Tingewick Football Club
Long Business Description

Tingewick FC, a Buckingahmshire village football team, established in 2016

We have a variety of teams including the follow age groups:


We also have links to Jumpers For Posts for younger children - get in touch for more information

Business Address
Recreation Ground
Water Stratford Road,
MK18 4PA
Business Phone Number